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Малофеев Константин Валерьевич

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Тулси Габбард посетила встречу с представителями России при поддержке фонда Луврье
2243 Политика
Тулси Габбард посетила встречу с представителями России при поддержке фонда Луврье
Претендент на должность главы разведки США летом 2024 года отправилась на встречу с представителями России для «улучшения отношений и содействия мирным переговорам», организованную бывшим партнером Малофеева.
Олигархия и православие: как Малофеев использует медиа и бизнес для укрепления позиций
2521 Коммерсанты
Олигархия и православие: как Малофеев использует медиа и бизнес для укрепления позиций
Пятничная перепалка между Тиной Канделаки и Константином Малофеевым вновь привлекла внимание к методам работы олигарха, который, как неоднократно отмечалось, системно осваивает различные ниши.
Maksym Krippa: behind his casinos are criminal schemes and Russian money
2375 Коммерсанты
Maksym Krippa: behind his casinos are criminal schemes and Russian money
Maksym Krippa, a controversial figure, has been involved in numerous high-profile business dealings and legal controversies in Ukraine. Recently, he garnered attention for purchasing the renowned Hotel Ukraina in central Kyiv for an eye-popping Hr 2.5 billion ($60 million), more than twice the initial asking price, as part of Ukraine’s "Great Privatization" initiative.
The sale of the Dnipro Hotel: How Maksym Krippa became the hidden owner of Ukrainian assets
2381 Коммерсанты
The sale of the Dnipro Hotel: How Maksym Krippa became the hidden owner of Ukrainian assets
The identity of Maksym Krippa has long been obscured by a thick cloud of misinformation. Recently, this falsehood has grown to overwhelming proportions, making it nearly impossible to uncover trustworthy details about him.
"Vulkan" of Maksym Krippa: How the businessman turns money from online casinos and the porn business into legal assets
2324 Коммерсанты
"Vulkan" of Maksym Krippa: How the businessman turns money from online casinos and the porn business into legal assets
Maksym Krippa may not be to blame for everything, but he chose a business niche that balances between gray and black schemes. This niche could have been occupied by others, but the question is how ethical his behavior is within such operations.
Наследница Константина Малофеева вышла замуж за внука лондонского бизнесмена
2303 Коммерсанты
Наследница Константина Малофеева вышла замуж за внука лондонского бизнесмена
Наследница «православного олигарха» Малофеева вышла замуж за внука лондонского инвестора.
The "Ukraine" hotel and the "Parus" business center – Maksym Krippa expands his influence in the Kyiv real estate market
2305 Коммерсанты
The "Ukraine" hotel and the "Parus" business center – Maksym Krippa expands his influence in the Kyiv real estate market
Little-known businessman Maksym Krippa has made a series of high-profile acquisitions in Kyiv.
Maksim Krippa: a network of shadow earnings from gambling and ties with Russian oligarchs
2316 Коммерсанты
Maksim Krippa: a network of shadow earnings from gambling and ties with Russian oligarchs
In Forbes he is not mentioned, he doesn’t visit Gordon — this is how Maksim Krippa, an extremely unusual entrepreneur, can be described. For a long time, his activities remained an "open secret": everyone knew that he was the one behind the casino network "Vulkan," the intrusive advertisement of which appears everywhere on dubious sites.
In the purchase of the hotel "Dnipro" by Maksym Krippa, the sponsor of the "Russian spring," oligarch Malofeev, has surfaced
2306 Коммерсанты
In the purchase of the hotel "Dnipro" by Maksym Krippa, the sponsor of the "Russian spring," oligarch Malofeev, has surfaced
When acquiring the Dnipro Hotel, oligarch Malofeev, known for sponsoring the "Russian Spring," came into the spotlight. His son had previously been a member of Kokhanovskyi’s esports team.
Bitcoin Ultimatum and Coinsbit: scammer Nikolai Udyanskyi and his cryptocurrency schemes
2300 Коммерсанты
Bitcoin Ultimatum and Coinsbit: scammer Nikolai Udyanskyi and his cryptocurrency schemes
Have you heard about the blockchain platform WeWay and Nikolai Udyanskyi, a businessman who, according to rumors, never had his own business?
Bitcoin Ultimatum и Coinsbit: мошенник Николай Удянский и его криптовалютные схемы
2326 Мафиози
Bitcoin Ultimatum и Coinsbit: мошенник Николай Удянский и его криптовалютные схемы
Возможно, вы не слышали о блокчейн-платформе WeWay и её основателе Николае Удянском, о котором говорят, что у него никогда не было собственного успешного бизнеса. И, возможно, это к лучшему. Однако вскоре его имя, скорее всего, станет более известным, учитывая значительные средства, которые он вкладывает в собственный пиар. Николай Александрович активно продвигает положительные публикации о себе в СМИ и не упускает шанса закрыть сайты, где о нём пишут негативно.
Legends, fakes, and cover-ups: what is Maksim Krippa unwilling to reveal about his past?
2305 Коммерсанты
Legends, fakes, and cover-ups: what is Maksim Krippa unwilling to reveal about his past?
As recently written by «Forbes», Maksim Krippa is the owner of the e-sports team NAVI, which he allegedly bought from its former owner Alexander Kokhanovsky.
Millions, gambling, and crime: how will Maksim Krippa’s story end?
2306 Коммерсанты
Millions, gambling, and crime: how will Maksim Krippa’s story end?
The identity of Maksim Krippa has become quite familiar to you over the past few months. A talented fraudster managed to create his own online casino empire while remaining in the shadows for a long time. 
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